12th -13th October 2020
Edith Stein Society in Wroclaw
The Parliament of Republic of Poland by way of resolution established 2020 as the year of Saint John Paul II and Roman Ingarden who were related to Edith Stein by phenomenology as the method of philosophising and widely understood issue of human existence. Reflection on scientific achievements of these phenomenologists and individuals who had a great impact on spiritual life of Europe in 20th century will help to explore the depth and novelty of their investigations. It will certainly reveal the mutual relationships, influences and dependences of their philosophical conceptions as well as personal choices. Suggested issues have both life and academic dimensions since life makes human being to reflect on oneself. This reflection leads to more complete understanding of oneself. The issue keeps up with the modern times since contemporary man who seeks the truth lost the sense of identity to certain extant.
The conference will commemorate 129th Birth Anniversary of Edith Stein, St.Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, native-born inhabitant of Wroclaw and the patron of Europe. The conference will be accompanied by St. Edith Stein award ceremony and other cultural events.
Scientific conference organized by the Society of Edith Stein in cooperation with the Papal Faculty of Theology was held under the honorary patronage of Archbishop Józef Kupny, the Metropolitan of Wrocław and the media patronage Radia Rodzina, Gościa Niedzielnego and Niedzieli.
Due to the epidemiological situation, the conference was held without the audience. All the speeches were broadcast online. We encourage you to watch the recordings :
(click on the title with the link in the program)
12 October 2020 – Monday:
9.00-10.00 Mass at St.Michael The Archangel Church at 78 Prusa Street in Wrocław
10.00-11.00 coffee service
11.00-11.30 Opening ceremony of the Conference
11.30-12.00 prof. Hanna Barbara Gerl-Falkovitz, „In which Way the Term ‚Truth’ Becomes Senseful? Edith Stein’s Critics of Martin Heidegger” (AUSTRIA/ HEILIGENKREUZ, Europäisches Institut für Philosophie und Religion an der Phil.-Theol. Hochschule Benedikt XVI.)
12.00-12.30 prof. Anna Grzegorzyk, „Reconciliation of worlds. E. Stein – R. Ingarden –Jan Paweł II”, (POZNAŃ, Adam Mickiewicz University, Edith Stein Research Center)
12.30-13.00 discussion
13.00-14.00 lunch break
14.00-14.30 Rev. dr Antonio Panaro, „Love as theophany of truth about a person. Christian personalism of St John Paul II i St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross”, (WARSZAWA, Missionary Seminary Redemptoris Mater, Papal Faculty of Theology).
14.30-15.00 dr Jadwiga Guerrero van der Meijden, „Edith Stein’s Heritage as Eminens Doctrina”, (KRAKÓW, Jagiellonian University).
15.00-15.30 Anna Siemieniec MA, „Contacts between prof. Roman Ingarden and Bp Karol Wojtyla concerning the memory about Edith Stein in the light of archival documents belonging to The Ingarden Family”, (WROCŁAW, Edith Stein House).
15.30-16.00 discussion
16.00-16.30 Opening of the exhibition “Roman Ingarden. Photographs and documents from the family archive”
16.30-17.00 coffee service
17.00-17.30 The ceremony of awarding St Edith Stein Prize
17.30-18.00 Concert „In the living room of Edith Stein” – Magdalena Wachowska (mezzo-soprano), Jerzy Owczarz (piano)
13 October 2020 – Tuesday
8.00-9.00 Mass at St.Michael The Archangel Church at 78 Prusa Street in Wrocław
9.00-9.30 coffee service
8.00-9.00 Mass at St.Michael The Archangel Church at 78 Prusa Street in Wrocław
9.00-9.30 coffee service
9.30-10.00 Rev. prof. Jerzy Machnacz, „Koncepcja człowieka u Edyty Stein i kard. Karola Wojtyły” (WROCŁAW, Papal Faculty of Theology)
10.00-10.30 dr Marta Łuczak, „The attempt reconstructing the process of the identity modification of Edith Stein based on available autobiographical materials” (POZNAŃ)
10.30-11.00 Katarzyna Domańska, MA, “Edith Stein – a precursor of new feminism – getting to the truth about a woman, about a human being” (WARSZAWA, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University)
11.00-11.30 discussion
11.30-12.30 food and drinks
12.30-13.00 dr Barbara Kmiecik, „Edith Stein in the dialogue with a human on the way to the Truth” (OPOLE, Opole University)
13.00-13.30 Edward Skubisz, MA, „Edith Stein and compassion”, (WROCŁAW, Krzyżowa Foundation)
13.30-14.00 Summing up and conference close